We're dedicated to ushering in a new era of industrial excellence through cutting-edge XR software solutions. Our innovative WEAVR platform harnesses the power of Extended Reality (XR) technologies to optimize processes, streamline workflows, and empower industrial professionals to achieve peak performance.

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Arcelor Mittal


Experience the transformative power of WEAVR in industrial operations through our collaboration with ARCELOR MITTAL.

In a groundbreaking move to enhance the safety and proficiency of their workforce, ArcelorMittal, a global steel and mining company, implemented the WEAVR platform for virtual reality training. This case study showcases how the WEAVR platform has transformed factory familiarization for employees and technicians, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the workspace and promoting a culture of safety.

Objective: ArcelorMittal aimed to create an immersive and realistic virtual reality training program to familiarize employees and technicians with the factory environment, emphasizing safety protocols and operational procedures.

Implementation: Utilizing the WEAVR platform, ArcelorMittal developed a highly interactive virtual reality experience. The user journey begins with an introduction to the factory space, emphasizing the importance of safety. To enter the virtual experience, users are required to wear the complete set of safety equipment, mirroring the actual safety protocols within the factory.

Once immersed in the virtual environment, employees witness heavy weights being lifted overhead, creating a heightened awareness of the potential hazards in the factory. This visual representation reinforces the significance of safety measures and the critical need for compliance.

The training continues with a focus on tool familiarization. Users interact with virtual tools, learning about their functions, proper usage, and correct placement within the factory. This hands-on experience ensures that employees are well-versed in the tools they will encounter in their day-to-day tasks.

To further simulate real-world scenarios, the virtual experience incorporates a dynamic element: climbing stairs. Users virtually ascend stairs within the factory, reinforcing the proper technique for climbing while wearing safety gear. An added layer of complexity is introduced as users navigate the top floor areas using a safety hook. This feature encourages users to practice safe movement and positioning, mitigating the risk of accidents in elevated areas.

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Industry 2_rid

Outcomes: The implementation of the WEAVR platform for virtual reality training at ArcelorMittal has resulted in a significant enhancement of safety awareness and operational proficiency among employees and technicians. The immersive experience effectively prepares individuals for the challenges of the factory environment, ensuring that safety protocols are ingrained in their practices.

The realistic simulations provided using WEAVR contribute to a workforce that is well-prepared, confident, and committed to maintaining a secure and efficient working environment. As a result, ArcelorMittal continues to set new benchmarks in safety and training within the steel and mining industry.